DeAnna Morris

I’m an unexpected worship leader. I’ve faced insecurity, fear, and doubt, but I’ve learned that courageous faith is not something we feel, it’s something we choose.

Welcome to my blog. I desire to share my experiences and motivate others to pursue their passion to know Jesus more.

After struggling with self-doubt and fear of failure for years, I decided to take a leap of faith and start this ministry. Let me show you how you can live in faith every day too.



Faith is not the absence of fear. Faith acknowledges it’s fear, then looks to Jesus for the strength and confidence needed to face any of life’s ups and downs. 

The Bible tells us 365 times to not be afraid and that must mean God knows we are fearful people at times. He say’s “Do not be afraid” and while that sounds simple, it isn’t. Through Bible Study and scripture memory, I believe we can know God better, live His truth, and share His love with those we love and those we meet. 




I’m married to Mike and we have almost 35 years to celebrate! Three amazing adult sons, a daughter-in-love, and a granddaughter who is the joy we didn’t know we were missing. Our family is the best part of who I am. My loves make my world a brighter happier place.

God has taught me many lessons from our family adventures together. Some of the lessons were fun, and others not so much. However, each story of our lives together are woven with grace, truth, and love.



Home is where my people are! Whether gathering with our sons and their loves, or with extended family and friends, I believe “home” is more than the house we live in. Home is a warm hug after a long day, the smell of a favorite meal on the table, a comfortable place to be present with others. 

We’ve moved more than once or twice, but I am always attentive to how our home can be a safe, peaceful, welcome space for our family and all who enter our doors.


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