I realize building new relationships is not always easy, I’ve been there, so let me introduce myself:
Hi! My name is De Anna Morris and there are a few fun facts about me you might like to know. They aren’t necessarily fun, but maybe we can find a connection and get better acquainted.
1- I enjoy gardening. Well, I like to plant flowers in the spring and most of the time, they live- until the heat of the sun here in our Southern summers comes and I forget that daily watering is necessary.
2- I like to imagine myself as a plant person. I have some green plants throughout the house, and they are at least not brown and falling over. My fiddle leaf fig is happy (finally) after finding the right window for it. I do not, however, have the lovely, filtered light coming in the window where plants are the focal attraction of a room.
3- I really enjoy walking on the beach watching the waves and looking for shells. I have a collection of ones I’ve found over the last ten years. Mostly imperfect ones that are chipped, broken, or discolored. They remind me of how life, while beautiful and individual, isn’t perfect. We all have flaws, yet they are the very things that make us unique and interesting.
4- I grew up going to church, but not understanding how to read and learn the words of the Bible for myself until I was in my early 20s. A few ladies in my church invited me to do life along with them, and together we learned some of the very places in the Bible where Jesus says He loves us. As it turns out the song, “Jesus Loves Me This I Know” is solid theology.
5- I am married to Mike Morris, and we have three adult sons who are THE absolute joy and blessing of our lives. They are the best parts of who we are. They make us smile, and laugh, and being with them all at one time as grown-ups is not what I imagined it would be like, but it’s a wonderful experience I never want to miss. So don’t look for me much around the holidays, I’ll be hanging onto each of them for dear life, listening to every word, enjoying every smile or frown. Their presence is my treasured gift.
Since we’re getting to know one another, what is something fun about yourself you’d like to share? The comments section is open, and your voice matters here.
PS. If you’re on socials, I’d love for you to connect with me there, too.
Well, fun facts, let’s see, I was saved at the age of 26. I’ve been walking with the Lord for 49 years. I had a Son, who had 3 sons and his oldest son has made me a great grandmother of the only girl in our family. Sadly from my husband down to my great granddaughter, Gods plan for their lives has not been evidenced. I’ve been praying along time. My husband hated when I turned to the Lord due to things going on his life. I took my oldest grandson and his step sister to church every Sunday and I led children’s Bible Quizzing for 13 yrs so they learned allot about Jesus and salvation. Our church won 1st place on the district every year but 2, where we were 2nd place. I have no idea why their hearts turned away once they became middle schoolers.
I’m continuing to pray and trust in Gods plan for their lives.
But with that, I’m always trying to get closer to God and to be obedient in what He calls me to do. I’ve served many years on boards, committees, etc. but I’m slowly losing memory so to be a leader, you need memory. I’ve stepped down and stepped back but have left the door open to help wherever and whenever I can. We got new neighbors 2 yrs ago so I’m sort of mentoring them towards Jesus. They are having trouble letting go of habits and jobs that nvolve division between them and God. But they are real doers. We are older and they are younger so they would do anything for us. I know God is working, especially on the young woman. God is faithful. I need God more and more and find I need to stay close thru His Word. The Golden years aren’t so golden 😊. So now you have my story,