A Christian Mentor is someone you can trust to lead you forward in your discipleship journey. She leads others by example as she seeks to apply God’s word to her own life.
Webster’s Dictionary defines a mentor as a trusted counselor or guide. That’s what a Christian Mentor is, too; a trusted counselor or guide.
When I was a young woman in my twenties, having a Christian Mentor who would provide a systematic plan for spiritual growth wasn’t a thing. I knew, however, that I needed guidance and help when it came to learning how to read and study the Bible and become a woman of God.
You can read more about my story HERE.
A Christian Mentor is Someone You Can Trust
If you are drawn to other women who gossip, you won’t find your mentor there. She is able to speak to and about others with respect even if she doesn’t agree with their beliefs or ideas.
This woman will listen to you as you speak. She will listen to you with a gift of wisdom and understanding, then respond to you from a place of honesty and truthfulness that aligns with the Word of God.
You can trust that she’s faced life’s challenges and will have wise counsel to give as she guides you to know, live, and share God’s Word.
A Christian Mentor is a Leader
Whether in a formal role or a quieter way, Christian mentors will have many different personalities, but one thing will stand out to you: she will have “that thing” that you want, too.
This woman will lead by her own example of grace, wisdom, and respect for herself and others.
She may be someone you admire and who navigates life’s challenges with a quiet peaceful confidence
Who is a Christian Mentor?
Matthew 28:19-20 (NKJV)
19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
All Christians are called to go and make disciples and to demonstrate what it means to be a Christ follower.
A Christian Mentor is a resource for wise counsel but points to God’s Word as the ultimate source of wisdom.
This can be a pastor, teacher, church leader, or Christian counselor.
Why is Biblical Mentoring Important?
The Gospel of Jesus has a clear message; God loved us so much that He gave His one and only Son as the payment for our sins. All who believe in Him, will be saved. The requirement for following Jesus? To first say “Yes” to His authority as the Son of God, then to follow Him.
When the writer John first met Jesus, he began to follow along behind Jesus. Jesus then invited John to “come and see”. John was invited to take his first steps of following Jesus by being invited into a relationship with Jeus as a disciple. He grew in faith from that moment on and went on to become a world changer and writer of several books of the New Testament.
The first step of growth for a new believer is to take steps forward in a discipleship process.
Making disciples is a process that requires time and intentionality
The discipleship process involves:
- Learning to know God’s Word by reading and studying the Bible.
- Applying God’s Word to everyday living.
- Sharing the gospel and leading others to grow in faith, too.
Each of these require time, intentionality, and trust.
If you are looking for a Christian Mentor to help you grow as a disciple, then be willing to ask someone. Your mentor will be someone you can trust to lead you forward in your discipleship journey.
This may feel intimidating at first, but it can be a real life changing experience.
Spiritual growth doesn’t happen overnight. Be willing to invest your time and effort in the process of discipleship.Think about purchasing a daily devotional book. Having a guided reading plan helps set up your discipleship practices and habits. FaithGateway.com or DailyGraceandCo.com are great places of resources.
Just like a new baby first learns to speak by imitating sounds, beginning your journey of discipleship starts with imitating the ways other Christian women speak, their mannerisms, their actions and reactions.
We all learn by observation, so when you observe other Christian women’s behavior and speech you will find yourself asking better questions.
Questions will lead to deeper conversations, and those conversations will lead you to grow, transform your mindsets, and become a more mature woman of God.
Then you, my friend, will lead and guide other women and be a wise counselor to someone else. You, too, will go and make disciples.
The discipleship process takes time, intentionality, and trust.
Ask Someone You Trust to be Your Mentor
Asking another woman to be your mentor will allow you to have a trusted guide who will lead you forward in your discipleship journey.
Consider the Christian women in your life: What are three things you observe about the way they approach life? Are any of these observations ideas you’d like to apply to your life? If so, reach out to that woman and ask her for coffee or tea so you can ask her to teach you.
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